
Wednesday 17 April 2013

Frogs in Jelly

This week I decided it was time to play with jelly again. Jelly is a super sensory material which is suitable for all ages.

This time I added some plastic frogs to add even more fun.
I set up the jelly whilst Hartley was having a nap. He was super excited when he saw the bowl of jelly.
 He was a little unsure about touching the jelly at first and preferred to play with the frogs.

He picked them up and then made them jump back in the pond. We had lots of fun hopping the frogs into the jelly pond making frog noises.
After a while he started to touch and explore the jelly.
He really looked closely when it was on his fingers and rubbed his hands together. I asked him what it felt like and used words like squishy, sticky, wobbly.
Hartley then fetched a spoon (I always have a variety of 'tools' readily available)
He loved scooping and pouring the jelly.
By the end he was covered in jelly, he even got it on his foot!

I left the jelly out in the playroom for Hartley to explore when he wanted. The next day he decided to use a whisk to stir the jelly.

Here he is inspecting the jelly on the whisk.

It was really interesting doing jelly play again. When we first played with it he was only about six months old. Then he got stuck in straight away and poured it all over him. As he has got older he investigates the jelly in a different way, he is much more aware of all his senses. I am sure as he grows and develops how he plays with materials will keep changing.


  1. Oooh I'm going to try this! Hopping over from Kids Co-op Linky.

  2. Thanks for hopping by. It was really lots of fun.
